Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My fixed Memior

I recently fixed my memior so y'all need to check it out on electronical portfolio but it's not on thier yet. I will post another one shortly when it is I will have a link for so be looking forward to that.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Eddie Vedder Lead singer For Pearl Jam

Eddie Vedder known has the hardcore "colt."That is Eddie Vedder as a kid. Eddie Vedder has a look like Jim Morrison from the Doors. Recently I wrote a post about " Jeremy" from Pearl Jam. The headline newspaper story of aa boy who shot himself. After writing that post I wanted to know more about Eddie Vedder. Eddie had a hard life. First he lost his parents because of divorce. Then in 1977 found out that Peter is stepfather was not his real father. After awhile his grades began to fall and his behavior was angry hostility. Eddie then started his band with former red hot chilli peppers drummer. The band we now know as Pearl Jam.

Monday, April 27, 2009

The other Jeremy Video

Well Pearl Jam made an alternive video. Because poeple were trying to blame a school shooting if you would like to see this one go

New EP student

Well my teacher Ms. Holmes that I talk about quite a bit accepted me for Electronical Portfolio (EP). I wrote on Saturday about what I thought about doing a EP. She answered back with a unexpecting yes. She thought she was impressed with my last post. I was more impressed of the desicion. Yes you can see this face in EP

Friday, April 24, 2009

True Story Pearl Jam song " Jeremy"

Well my teacher Ms. Holmes told me to write a post of what we thought about the pearl Jam video " Jeremy". I thought it was very graphical and the it showed a fierce look on the actor who played jeremy. I could see why they made another video. I also wanted to do more than my teacher told me. So I did some research.

The real name was Jeremy Wade Delle. Jeremy was born Feb 10, 1975. He went to Richardson High School in Dallas, Texas. He was a boy who was picked on alot and one day Jeremy couldn't take it. Just like the song said " We unleashed a lion."

It all started out when his second period English teach told him to go get a admittence slip from the school office. Instead he returned with a gun. A .375 caliber magnum and said " I already got what I went after." to his teacher and aimed it to his mouth and shot himself at 9.45 a.m. on a Tuesday, January 8, 1991. That is the true story of Jeremy Wade Delle. Comment what you think.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Writing Songs

I do actually write songs. I like to but I never thought to copy one of them for one of my poems. Because my poem this year wasn't that hot. I know I will use them next time. if you would like to hear some of my stuff go to

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My teacherous dare

I am doing this dare to make 15 synonyms for the word "cool." So I am going to do it on this post. Awesome
far out
mind blowing
And my favorite Andrew Salyers

No more portfolios

As you know the state is doing no more portfolios. Which I think is kind of good but they aint that bad to just stop them. I'm not a whole lot sure if I care or not but I did like the sound of that. If you have something better you can comment me and I would be more than happy to read yours.

Monday, April 20, 2009

My speech about my guitar.

This year in my 7th period writing class. We all wrote speeches and made a video, power point, poster, or bring it in your self. I chose the visual to just bring it in. I was teaching my fellow classmates how to play " Wish you were here." by Pink Floyd. I thought of the idea when they said do somthing that your good at.

It was monday and I was going that day. I had my guitar in hand. When I started I told them all the easy things. After it was over everybody clapped and I thought that I did good. My teacher Ms. Holmes which is one of my followers complmented me to. Sorry I couldnt explain all the things I should them but I am posting some videos. So you should tune in

My most treasured object

My most treasured object is my guitar. It is a Martin and it was my second guitar. I have grown so close to it. It is my best friend. It will go where I want to go and play what I want to play. Thats the way I play I think of every song easy. Their is no song that I will not learn how to play and I believe that.

I also write songs and I know one day they will become big hits. I owe just about all of it to my guitar it has done many things. It helps me believe in my self more when I am with it. Even if I dont make it big my guitar is with me and that makes big.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My best Memory

I can remeber not that long ago my brother come over to my house and he said " Andrew I've got a suprise for ya." I thought it was just a little suprise but he came back in with a guitar. It was an off brand Martin called a Picador. I looked at it we put strings on it and I was ready to play.

I started messing around when he got it tuned for me and was playing an acual chord called a Aminor (Am). I knew right then I could be on the road to being as good as my brother. I kept on messing around every day and some he showed me new chords. I am now really good and I know lots of songs.